quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2009


castle defense points affect guardians and emperium like this:
* maxHp += defense*1000;
* def += (defense+2)/3;
* mdef += (defense+2)/3;
GD_GUARDUP gives level*9 ATKPercent and level*4 EFST_ATTHASTE_INFINITY
there are economy/5+4 treasures
castle state is saved every 600 seconds
payTime is triggered every 10 days, but doesn't do anything (maybe on other types of servers)

// script functions:
AgitEmblemFlag "" // registers the npc as a flag of the target agit map
AgitFunc // executes a task depending on the arguments
AgitGet // gets a property of this agit map (supports all)
AgitGet2 "" // gets a property of an agit map (supports 8,9,10,11; others use the current map instead)
AgitNpcGet // gets a property of an agit npc (supports all)
AgitNpcSet // sets a property of an agit npc (supports 0,2,4)
AgitRegister "" // registers the current npc as belonging to the castle in the target map (must be a flag, class 722)
AgitSet // sets a property of this agit map

// AgitEmblemFlag vs AgitRegister:
// these seam to do the same thing, but stores them in different places
// therefore i'm assuming AgitEmblemFlag is for agit maps in another zone and AgitRegister for agit maps in this zone
// AgitEmblemFlag adds the npc to:
// static map CAgitMapRes::ms_agitTable;// mapname -> FLAG_INFO*{int guildId; char agitName[24]; vector flags;}
// AgitRegister adds the npc to:
// vector CAgitMapRes::m_flags;

// AgitFunc arguments:
// // increases triggerE (if it still can)
// // increases triggerD (if it still can)
// // sets payTime to 10 days from now
// // if( map.IsSiegeTime() ) flush target guild (or all if 0) except the owner guild;
// // refreshes the effects of castle defense and GD_GUARDUP

// AgitGet/AgitGet2/AgitSet
// -----
// agit map properties:
// 0=economy value
// 1=economy condition (if it can invest)
// 2=economy invest money (for next invest)
// 3=economy triggerE (delayed points)
// 4=defense value
// 5=defense condition (if it can invest)
// 6=defense invest money (for next invest)
// 7=defense triggerD (delayed points)
// 8=guildId
// 9=agitName
// 10=(some kind of name in the guild: guild name or owner name)
// 11=(some kind of name in the guild: guild name or owner name)
// 12=level of GD_KAFRACONTRACT
// 13=level of GD_GUARDRESEARCH
// 14=(nothing)
// 15=(unknown flag related to OnChangeOwner)
// 16=killerName (who killed the emperium)

// AgitNpcGet/AgitNpcSet
// -----
// agit npc indexes:
// 0=manager
// 1=emperium
// 2=kafra
// 100+?=guardian[?] (up to 8 guardians)
// -----
// agit npc properties:
// 0=enabled
// 1=maxHp
// 2=hp
// 3=maxHp/3 (purpose is unknown)
// 4=sp
// 5=accountName (mob name)

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